s bio

exploring the ‘whole’ picture of histamine pathology

Our Aspiration

To provide a treatment solution for the broad population of patients suffering from diseases associated with mast cell activation through a comprehensive understanding of the role histamine plays in these diseases. We are developing a potent and highly specific agent that rapidly and completely degrades histamine. Scientific evidence indicates that our therapeutic approach could have major positive impact for patients suffering from diseases associated with mast cell activation and excessive histamine release.


Our Story

The name Daocrates Bio finds its origin in the convergence of the wisdom of the ancient philosopher Socrates and the strength inherent in the biological power of the enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO). A dual heritage –’DAO’, representing our focus on pioneering research about histamine and the enzyme that degrades it, together with ‘kratos’, the Greek word for power.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus imperdiet, magna ut hendrerit efficitur, nulla lacus varius libero, et interdum erat lectus non magna. Fusce volutpat arcu nec dui faucibus, sit amet efficitur tortor fermentum. Praesent sed faucibus augue, in egestas nisl. Morbi pharetra suscipit arcu sit amet feugiat. Aenean viverra dolor vitae odio consequat vehicula. Donec volutpat ultricies augue, id varius arcu lacinia ut. Phasellus ut ornare ligula.

Nullam in ligula orci. Vestibulum vitae dictum ligula, at congue elit. Integer finibus semper magna, in tincidunt augue auctor sed. Maecenas non varius nulla, non lacinia metus. Vestibulum gravida auctor ultricies. Pellentesque consectetur ante vel velit accumsan varius. Curabitur in dignissim lacus. Vivamus tempus lacus nec mi dapibus, ac sollicitudin lectus euismod.

Sed ac purus a augue volutpat egestas. Donec vulputate fermentum lectus, non gravida felis tincidunt sit amet. Integer dignissim magna id felis aliquam pharetra. Donec ullamcorper nisi non sapien tempor suscipit. Nulla facilisi. Nam vel quam justo. Etiam non interdum mauris. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus auctor odio sed elit congue, non aliquam mauris dignissim.

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Our Technology

Our Technology

Through the introduction of two unique mutations, we have developed a recombinant form of human diamine oxidase (rhDAO) which offers striking and persistent histamine degradation, with a pharmacological profile suitable for both acute and chronic use.

Development Overview

Our early clinical plan includes an integrated study involving both healthy volunteers and patients. This will define human pharmacology, confirm the pharmacodynamic effect of rhDAO, and allow rapid transition into a registration-directed clinical program. First data in patients with poorly controlled mast cell disease are anticipated to demonstrate immediate clinical benefit. The clinical opportunity is significant in rarer mast cell diseases, those associated with acute mast cell degranulation, as well as a broad range of inflammatory, allergic, and autoimmune diseases.